LPI coaching

Coaching Services

Our coaching concentrates on where the learner is at now and where they want to be in the future; enhancing their skillset and improving their job performance.

LPI Coaching uses the LPI Critical Reflective Practice Model which provides a structured process for daily decision-making and engagement.

This model supports the integration of equity and human rights, trauma-shame informed practice, relationship building and leadership perspectives into all aspects of one’s work.

LPI Coaching:

  • is customized to meet the learners’ needs, and includes ways of addressing emotional reactions, including anxiety, insecurities, and other discomfort.

  • supports employees who have violated the human rights code, to understand their behaviour in relation to the code and to prevent it happening in the future.

  • Helps employees to reintegrate into the workplace feeling restored and empowered.

The process is ideal for human rights violations, offering post-investigation restoration and prevention work.

LPI Coaching supports a growth-oriented process that builds self-compassion and confidence for action taking and for developing practice excellence. The focus is on building self-awareness, competencies, and resilience. The process includes strategy building through tools and practical exercises, including the use of scenarios, with a focus on direct application to one’s job.

Contextualized to one’s responsibilities and/ or specific situation, LPI Coaching supports staff to reflect on their practice, and develop new approaches and capacities for having effective conversations; and in building humanized and safe practices and structures within their work environment.

LPI Coaching is measured and evaluated and is designed to meet defined objectives. LPI Coaching can provide 24/7 availability, as well as a report upon request.