We help you prevent and address human rights violations


We facilitate:

  • Impartial external investigations with a report

  • Organizational and institutional change to meet human rights standards

  • Education for leaders to prevent human rights violations

  • One-on-one coaching for individuals who have violated the human rights code

  • Training for teams and small groups upon violation of the human rights code

  • Critical reflective practice for everyday work to prevent human rights violations and for practice excellence by teaching the LPI model

LPI Critical Reflective Practice Model

Helping individuals and organizations meet human rights standards


Critical reflective practice is used across the disciplines to enhance self-awareness, to build professional knowledge and to assist in engagement and decision-making for practice excellence.

The LPI Critical Reflective Practice Model was written by Dianne Prevatt-Hyles and Jana Vinsky.

The Model can be used for reflection before, during and after practice moments. It is strengths focused - building upon good practice; and is holistic with an emphasis on mind/body/spirit. The Model supports the integration of several perspectives important to good practice, including human rights, trauma-shame informed practice, relationship building and leadership.